I hear a variety of reasons/excuses, none of which hold water:
“The speed limits are too slow/unfair.” I’m with you in many cases. It is ridiculous how slow we are told to drive in certain situations and in certain locations. But I also think it is ridiculous how much milk and beef cost at the grocery store. That doesn’t give us the right to steal food instead of paying for it.
“I’m keeping up with the flow of traffic.” Funny, I must have missed the small print on the speed limit signs. “Everyone else is doing it” it is never a good argument; in fact, it’s usually a bad one. Especially when it comes to breaking the law. If everyone else decided to stop obeying other traffic signals, would you too?
“I can go 5-10 over the limit without getting pulled over.” What if you found out your spouse had been making out with a coworker, but they never slept together; he or she just broke their vows to you a little? Or what if you told your child to be home by midnight and they came in at 12:30? They almost met curfew, right? And since when is negligence or incapacity by those in authority an excuse to break the law? Is “I won’t get caught, so…” the standard we want for anything?
“I’m late!” If I mismanage my money, am I suddenly excused from having to pay for things? (Okay, bad example.) But you get the point. How about I get up on time. How about I plan ahead. How about I don’t give myself the out of breaking the law to make up time.
(Let me head off another argument. You’ll see beside the highway a sign that reads “Slower traffic keep right.” Some take that to be license to speed, and even more, to get mad at those who aren’t exceeding the speed limit while driving in the “speeding” or passing lane. But what does the word “slower” mean? It is comparative. So the question has to be, slower than what? And that is why we must look at the context of the sign. What do the other signs along the highway infer? That there is a limit to one’s speed; that is, a maximum speed. Therefore, it is only logical to conclude that slower traffic is traffic going slower than the speed limit, not traffic going slower than whatever you deem to be prudent.)
I keep using the term “breaking the law” or “committing a crime.” That’s a harsh assessment, but not an inaccurate one. No, speeding isn’t murder. One could even argue it is a victimless crime…until someone causes an accident by speeding. (And they are the one who causes it, not the person going the speed limit who won’t get out of the way.) But the bottom line is, speeding is against the law. Why do so many people justify breaking this law when they won’t break others?
I’m not the morality police. Nor am I perfect. I’m sure you can get on your blog and write about one of my flaws. That’s fine. In fact, that’s your place, I would suggest. And look, if you want to break the law, that’s your business. Just don’t jeopardize my safety and that of my law-abiding passengers when you do so.
And please, stop giving me dirty looks for obeying the law.